I have been reading a lot recently, and I thought I would turn this into a little challenge because what could be more fun? Right?
The prompt: Read only ___ Color for a Week
I have a bowl of prompts with colors from bright pink to teal blue. My physical TBR isn’t small enough, so the only other rule is that I have to OWN the book, and it has to be off my physical TBR.
Each weekly TBR will have seven books that reflect the color of that week. I might have two different shades of blue in a row, or dark read. It is impossible to say. Having seven books on the TBR doesn’t mean I will read all of those that week (of course that would be amazing!) but it gives me a little bit of choice 😉
Book 1
Belladonna by Adalyn Grace

I will come to you… Should you call me, I will come.
How do I even start to describe this book? It was totally unexpected; I picked it up on a whim in the bookstore last year and sorta forgot about it. It was by far the best (as of now) YA gothic fantasy that I have ever read. I could rave about this book for hours, and I did when I finished it lol. Signa Farrow is the FMC that you follow along, she is cursed that the people close to her die, kinda, she can also see spirits – ghosts- So when her guardian dies, and she is sent to live at Thorn Manor it doesn’t take her long to realize things aren’t as they seem.
A murder, a poison, and one very charming creature named Death.
I haven’t felt so immersed in a world in so long, the settings were immaculate chefs kiss but before you go to read it I recommend taking a glance at the content warnings, this book might not be for everyone.
Book 2
The Crown by Keira Cass

You have to embrace the idea of imperfection, even in the thing that is most perfect for you.
Did I love this? No. it didn’t give me the feeling that the original trilogy gave me, I didn’t feel quite as swept away, quite as lost in a different world. I did like how much the main character, Eadlyn, grew though out her little duology that she was given. I liked how she was given a hobby as simple of fashion it gave her a way to escape the pressure of ‘princess life’.
Book 3
A Thousand Heartbeats by Keira Cass

History divides them Fate unites them. Will love keep them together?
Let me start with the fact Lennox and Annika have my heart < 3 they are so perfect for each other, and I wish that they had stayed enemies longer I could read more banter. The ONLY reason this book wasn’t a five-star read was due to the fact it took me exactly 120 pages to fall in love with it. I am a huge Kiera Cass fan and to be honest her books aren’t supper heavy. This was one of the most political fantasy type books that I have read from her. and I LOVED it please read!
Book 4
Killer Instinct by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

When a killer plays mind games, winning is a matter of life and death.
Where do I start? This book was everything, plot twists that really twisted and I couldn’t predict. A PERFECT sequel to The Naturals (also five-star read) a serial killer on the loose. Stakes that are higher than before if that is possible. I was feeling chills, while reading this it had me hooked every sentence, word, chapter, page, was immaculate. I would change nothing. NOTHING.
though a warning, don’t read this at night 😉
Book 5
The Princess Crown by Cordelia K Castel

She wanted to destroy the monarchy now she must battle to save her prince.
I loved it. while reading I was sitting on the edge of my seat tapping my foot, breathing sharply at the amazing writing and plot. This was the perfect conclusion to the Princess Trials series (there are two more books but they are a spin off about another character, yes I plan on reading them) I don’t want to talk to much about this book because lots of events (that I would totally go on and on about) would spoil the other books. If you liked hunger games and selection you would love this! highly recommend!
Book 6
The Queen’s Poisoner by Jeff Wheeler

A boy will rise to manhood – and to greatness.
I wasn’t expecting to be following the story of an eight-year-old boy.
Did I enjoy it? yes, it was a good time. I don’t know if I will ever reread it but I did like it. going into this I thought there was going to be a bit more action then there was, along with living in the life of the character in this case Owen. Let me explain what I mean. To me it felt like despite being in the POV of Owen we were really just watching other characters’ journeys though his eyes. To me it was a very plot driven story with little character development the MMC.
However, towards the middle of the book we meet a new character by the name of Evie, and she was darling by far my favorite character, and I will continue this series just to see what happens to her!
That is a conclusion reader friend! Have you read any of these books? If so, what did you think? Did you enjoy them? If so why or why not? Drop your reviews below! (also, a color!)
Dream big, have faith, be kind.
K. Florence