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Ignite By Kara Swanson Book Review | New Five Star Read??

I am not going to lie; it has been a LONG while since I have been so excited to read a book. I was expecting a lot after reading Dust and Shadow (both five stars), and this book didn’t let me down. it was better than I thought it would be.

by double.

I was a part of her street team from the first emails, from her first call asking for people to be excited with her. And so I was, I was undoubtably the most excited I have ever been for a book in the past five months. every time I would get an email from her Firey Souls ~ Street Team. I would grin, read it. and then tell my family how exited I was. from the title to the cover. Now the book.

Then launch day came and so did my book…

I am not going to sugar coat anything here. I SCREAMED. and then I squealed when I ripped the box open to see the BEAUTIFUL cover that stared back up at me. Then I sat down and read it. (yes, the whole book)

in one setting.

cover to cover.

no stopping.

How could I stop when it was that good? action after action, moment after moment. amazing quote after amazing quote. I couldn’t put the book down for the life of me. in fact, I was almost late to youth group because I HAD to finish.

I didn’t even move from the spot I was laying on the floor. my breath would hitch in moments when my heart ached for Mara, and I would shiver as she ran through the snowstorm. then I would cheer her on as she defeated one fear, one trauma after another. all while trying not to squeal and happy proclaim my love for this novel about a girl who is struggling to hold her flame in. a girl who is scared to turn from an ember into a torch.

(can we take a moment for the beautiful golden phoenix inlayed on the cover?)

Can Mara survive in a world where the fire in her veins is worth killing for?

Let’s talk about some elements from the story.

The way that Kara writes her characters makes them feel like real people, like you are there in the story with them. experiencing the same things that they are. They become as real as the book that you are holding in your hands, as they soar with their phoenix wings across the sky.

But her setting was just as spectacular because WHO WOULD THINK TO PUT A GIRL OF FIRE IN A WORLD OF ICE????!!! it was a brilliant combination that should be raved about more, and I am truly not kidding when I say I was SHIVERING as I was reading this book.

Kara's creatures are so unique. I don’t very much like it when a fantasy book seems to copy paste things that every other fantasy book uses. Even the phoenix isn’t what I normally see a phoenix to be. Kara takes the mind and what you THINK you know and turns it upside down and then right side up again. it is so wonderful I hope that there are some more new beasts in The Phoenix Flam book 2!!!!

I could honestly talk about this book all day, but I will restrain myself.

FIVE STARS is my final thought on this wonderful book.

"When you've existed this long, reality starts to feel like a dream."

The only complaint I have is that book two isn't out already, I CAN'T wait to see were Mara goes on her journey of becoming a flame that thaws a frozen world.

Let's Chat!

Have you read Ignite? if so what are some of your favorite parts? also what are your thoughts on the cover??

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