My Books
After many years of hoping, dreaming, and chasing my crazy dream I finally am able to say. "I am Published." thank you so much to the people who happed me along the way I am truly grateful to you.
please feel free to look around!

Life of a Writer
Write On
by Ceili Rain C.
Put my pen to the paper
The words hovering in my mind
I’ll have to get them out
Or they’ll linger
Put my fingers to the keyboard
Watch words appear
And those words turn into
Sentences and paragraphs
Put a story into pages
One that flows from my heart
Let the truth come through
And resound in someone’s heart
So keep writing, child
Keep your head up
For your words can be
So very impactful
Write on, my child
Write on, my friends
And speak, and write,
From your heart
Soli Deo Gloria
Come Alive
An Anthology
17 stories that show the dawn in the darkness.
A grim future where death can happen more than once. An epic battle between darkness and light. A time long ago when death seemed to win. A dream of flying. Enter these worlds and more in this collection of short stories by eleven young authors.

Who You Say I Am

I am Blessed
Rewarded with eternal life
I am Chosen
Called to glorify Him
I am Adopted
Taken from my old life and put in new
I am Redeemed
Reclaimed from my sin
I am His
Blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed
A girl is paralyzed from the waist down and is forced to quit gymnastics. A little leaf loses trust in her strong tree. A ladies’ maid finds a new Hope in the midst of her princess becoming a beast. A boy follows the wind and watched the death of a savior.
In this collection of stories and poems by fifteen young authors, there is hope in the One True God, and that is reason enough to put our identity in Him.