Hey There
A few years ago I got an idea. a Crazy, wonderful, beautiful idea. Little did I know that this idea would grow to become a passion so strong I would start to share it with the world. Thank you so much for joining me today in this lovely journey, please feel free to read more about me!
All About Me, K. Florence
In a nutshell
K. Florence lives in northern Wisconsin with her amazing family, when she is not writing you can find her helping on the family farm or drinking hot vanilla tea.
my writing journey
K. Florence has been telling stories as long as she can remember.
She first started telling her stories through art. Her drawings and paintings where an attempt to recreate the images and thoughts that where in her mind. But as she grew older, she found that she loved to write and not for school, but for fun. She would sit in front of the computer for hours working on her worlds, characters, and settings. She threw herself into her imagination, and realized she wanted to become an author.
And then the real fun began. The more she dreamed the stronger her drive became, till she had written two books (neither of them published) and was drafting poems soon to be published in an anthology. Florence’s drive did not stop though. Now she is sitting down and writing this, she is striving towards her dream and working on the third draft of the novel she one day hopes to get traditionally published.
My faith
K. Florence believes that Jesus saved her from her sins. She believes that God is the Father almighty maker of heaven and earth. She believes that she is a princess and heir to the kingdom of God along with everyone else who believes. She believes that miracles are real, and wonders are worked every day.
My mission
K. Florence’s mission is to write for the glory of God and help writers along the path of fulfilling their dream.